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Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Bacteriophage Adhering to Mucus Provide a Non-Host-Derived Immunity (#105)
11:30 AM
Jeremy J Barr
Symposium 5 - Emerging, Unusual Viruses and Phage
Personalized "Medicine": From Coral Reefs to Human (#1)
3:00 PM
Forest Rohwer
Public Lecture: Personalized "Medicine": From Coral Reefs to Humans - Presented by Prof Forest Rohwer
Phage and Origins of the Immune System (#65)
1:45 PM
Forest Rohwer
Plenary 10
Viral Dark Matter (#103)
10:30 AM
Forest Rohwer
Symposium 5 - Emerging, Unusual Viruses and Phage
Personalized "Medicine": From Coral Reefs to Human (#86)
4:00 PM
Forest Rohwer
Symposium 4 - Marine and Aquatic Microbiology