Narelle Fegan
CSIRO Food And Nutrional Sciences, VIC, Australia

Dr Narelle Fegan is a Principal Research Scientist in the Food Safety and Stability Group at CSIRO. Narelle is a microbiologist with particular interests in food borne bacterial pathogens. Since starting at CSIRO in 1995, Narelle's has worked mostly with Shiga toxigenic E. coli (STEC) and Salmonella in relation to animal production systems. Narelle has been involved in studies to determine the attachment of these bacteria to various surfaces and also in identifying geographic variation amongst these pathogens and how this impacts on food borne disease potential. The main focus of Narelle’s research has been studying the epidemiology and ecology of STEC and Salmonella in red meat production systems in Australia to gain a better understanding of how they survive, persist and are transmitted through the food chain.