Wilhelmina Huston
University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia

Dr Willa Huston is a Associate Professor and research group leader at University of Technology Sydney. Her research interests are in understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of intracellular bacteria, especially Chlamydia trachomatis.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Novel residues that mediate the inactive-to-active transition of Chlamydia trachomatis HtrA (#23)
2:15 PM
James W Marsh
Plenary 6 - BD Awards
Determination of Chlamydia HtrA function using a chemical inhibitor (#245)
7:15 PM
Vanissa Ong
Welcome Reception, Poster Session I & Trade Exhibition
Identification and analysis of novel peptide antigens for a Chlamydia trachomatis infertility diagnostic using a whole proteome-peptide antibody interaction strategy (#234)
7:15 PM
Shruti Menon
Welcome Reception, Poster Session I & Trade Exhibition