Warwick Britton
Sydney Local Health District, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Warwick Britton is Bosch Professor of Medicine and Professor of Immunology at the University of Sydney and head of the Tuberculosis Research Program at the Centenary Institute. He has longstanding interests in the immunology and control of tuberculosis and leprosy. His studies have included identification of M. tuberculosis and M. leprae antigens, development of novel subunit and recombinant BCG vaccines against tuberculosis, dissection of cellular and cytokine immune responses to mycobacteria and the genetic analysis of host responses to infection. He is principal investigator on the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Tuberculosis Control: from Discovery to Public Health Policy and Practice. which includes research collaborations in Vietnam and China to improve tuberculosis control.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Pulmonary immunisation against tuberculosis infection (#59)
10:30 AM
Warwick J Britton
Symposium 3 - Unique Aspects of the Cell Structures of Pathogenic Bacteria; Biology and Pathogenesis