Welcome Reception, Poster Session I & Trade Exhibition — ASN Events
7:15PM - 9:30PM
Exhibition Hall

Applicability of a Taqman PCR assay for the detection of Cryptococcus neoformans (#201)

7:15 PM
Wafa Abdallah

First nationwide survey on antimicrobial resistance in coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp. and Escherichia coli isolated from clinical infections in animals (#202)

7:15 PM
Sam Abraham

Trilocus Sequence Typing (TLST) Of Campylobacter jejuni (#203)

7:15 PM
Monir U Ahmed

Investigation of some factors related to antibacterial activity of Saudi honey (#204)

7:15 PM
Jehan Al abrahaim

Evaluation of a selection of essential oils as antimicrobials in the treatment of bovine mastitis (#205)

7:15 PM
Lynne M. Appleby

Use of MALDI-TOF to identify Burkholderia cepacia complex in cystic fibrosis patients - a comparison with recA gene sequencing (#206)

7:15 PM
Mitchell Brown

Evaluation of two automated urine analysis systems (#207)

7:15 PM
Jennifer Catania

Anti-microbial activity of olive leaf extracts to Staphylococcus species (#208)

7:15 PM
Wern Chern Chai

Antimicrobial resistance in staphylococci from South Australian wallabies: captive vs wild (#209)

7:15 PM
Michelle MS Chen

Six amino acids play an important role in MtrD-mediated drug efflux in Neisseria gonorrhoeae (#210)

7:15 PM
Mohsen Chitsaz

Mycoplasma genitalium in incarcerated men from Far North Queensland (#211)

7:15 PM
Gemma M Daley

The influence of antibiotic resistance gene carriage on biofilm formation by two Escherichia coli strains associated with urinary tract infections (#212)

7:15 PM
Gary Dykes

Evaluation of a new database for identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) by MALDI-TOF MS (#213)

7:15 PM
L J Fremlin

MALDI-TOF MS based ß-lactamase assay for detection of Ampicillin-resistant E. coli directly from positive blood cultures (#214)

7:15 PM
Leith Fremlin

Beware amoebic colitis masquerading as inflammatory bowel disease (#215)

7:15 PM
David Gordon

Outbreak of Linezolid-Resistant, Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium (LR-VRE) Report of the First Isolates in Australia (#216)

7:15 PM
David L Gordon

Detection of Antenatal Group B Streptococcus Carriage by Real-Time PCR targeting the sip and cfb genes (#217)

7:15 PM
David L Gordon

Characterization of clinical isolates of Vibrio cholerae O1 from Papua New Guinea reveals a close relatedness to Asian strains (#218)

7:15 PM
Andrew R Greenhill

Antibacterial coatings for biomedical devices: antimicrobial peptides and synthetic analogues grafted onto plasma polymer interlayers (#219)

7:15 PM
Stefani S Griesser

MLST by mass spectrometry - an accurate, rapid and cost-effective tool for studying and surveying zoonotic Streptococcus suis in Australia (#220)

7:15 PM
Mitchell D Groves

Efficacy and pharmacodynamic effects of five novel antimicrobials against methicillin-resistant Staphylococci (#221)

7:15 PM
Elizabeth E Hickey

Psammaplysin F: Novel marine natural product target gram-positive cell division (#222)

7:15 PM
Md Amirul Islam

Supercharged vancomycin analogues beat the superbug C. difficile (#223)

7:15 PM
Angie M Jarrad

Leukocyte esterase: A cost effective method for the detection of inflammatory colitis (#224)

7:15 PM
Cherie Kerin-Thompson

Cryptosporidiosis in North India: evidence of predominant anthroponotic transmission (#225)

7:15 PM
Sumeeta Khurana

The first identification of Cryptococcus cyanovorans sp. nov. from a human specimen (#226)

7:15 PM
James Knox

Localization and macromolecular biosynthesis inhibition of rhodomyrtone, a new candidate of antibiotic (#227)

7:15 PM
Sukanlaya Leejae

Bacteremia due to Massilia timonae (#228)

7:15 PM
Amanda Liebelt

Bee products (propolis, bee pollen and honey) as quorum sensing inhibitors in Chromobacterium violaceum (#229)

7:15 PM
Crystale SY Lim

Synergy between Medihoney and Rifampicin against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (#230)

7:15 PM
Michael Liu

An evaluation of BBL CHROMagar MRSA II and the bioMerieux ChromID® MRSA media (#231)

7:15 PM
Peter Lloyd

Validation of a Novel RNA Internal Control for Monitoring RNA Extraction in a Routine Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (#232)

7:15 PM
Samuel Maloney

A novel rapid multiplex PCR assay for the detection of 13 bacterial and viral causes of sexually transmitted infection (STI). (#233)

7:15 PM
John R Melki

Identification and analysis of novel peptide antigens for a Chlamydia trachomatis infertility diagnostic using a whole proteome-peptide antibody interaction strategy (#234)

7:15 PM
Shruti Menon

Light-stimulative genes for fruiting body formation in the basidiomycetous fungus Lentinula edodes (#235)

7:15 PM
Yasumasa Miyazaki

Diffusive release of the antibiotic levofloxacin from amine plasma polymer (#236)

7:15 PM
Htwe Htwe Mon

Preliminary evaluation of an automated commercial real time PCR assay for MRSA testing in a clinical microbiology laboratory (#237)

7:15 PM
Justin P Morgan

The relationship between Lactobacillus reuteri colonisation, microbial diversity, intestinal inflammation and crying time in infants with colic (#238)

7:15 PM
Monica Nation

Development of Adenoviral Vector Vaccine for the control of Campylobacter jejuni in chickens (#239)

7:15 PM
Sumbo Ndi

Actinomycosis-the company bacteria keep (#240)

7:15 PM
Renjy Nelson

Antimicrobial activity of eucalypt resin (#241)

7:15 PM
Motahareh Nobakht

Detection of two common clonal complexes among S.pneumoniae serotype 19A and 19F isolates, using allele specific PCR (#242)

7:15 PM
Shahin Oftadeh

Evaluation of the BacT/ALERT PLUS blood culture media for growth performance and antimicrobial neutralization at peak serum level (#243)

7:15 PM
C.H. Ong

Laboratory investigation of outbreak of OXA-181 producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (#244)

7:15 PM
Chiou Horng Ong

Determination of Chlamydia HtrA function using a chemical inhibitor (#245)

7:15 PM
Vanissa Ong

Ciprofloxacin disc diffusion testing using 2013 CLSI breakpoints for salmonellae can replace the nalidixic acid screen for ciprofloxacin susceptibility (#246)

7:15 PM
Annita Palatinus

Molecular phylogeny of the Piroplasmida: challenges from two potentially novel species found in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) (#247)

7:15 PM
Andrea Paparini

Trypanosomes from native Australian mammals: novel genotypes from the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) (#248)

7:15 PM
Andrea Paparini

Tannin-Degrading Bacteria in the Faeces of South Australian and Queensland Koalas (#249)

7:15 PM
Dena Piro

Tannin-Degrading Bacteria in the Faeces of South Australian and Queensland Koalas (#250)

7:15 PM
Dena Piro

Evaluation of a new approach to diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii (#251)

7:15 PM
Kerry Raios

The population structure of Queensland invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae in children using a modified Multi-Locus Variable Number of Tandem Repeat Analysis BOX Genotyping (#252)

7:15 PM
Rachael E Rayner

Adenylate Kinase in Streptococcus pneumoniae is Required for Growth, Capsule Synthesis, and Survival in the Host Cells (#253)

7:15 PM
Dong-Kwon Rhee

Shewanella algae an emerging pathogen: Insights form multiple comparative ‘omics’ analyses (#254)

7:15 PM
Piklu Roy Chowdhury

A Study Of Psycho-Social Behavioral Aspects Related to Hand-Hygiene & Correlation with Well-Being In Indian Health Care Workers (#255)

7:15 PM
Prathma Sharma

MALDI-TOF MS identification of filamentous fungi directly from solid media (#256)

7:15 PM
Sue Sleiman

 Leptotrichia trevisanii : an opportunistic pathogen (#257)

7:15 PM
Effie Smolenaers

Leptotrichia species: an opportunistic pathogen (#258)

7:15 PM
Effie Smolenares

Persistent isolation of Inquilinus limosus from sputum of a cystic fibrosis patient (#259)

7:15 PM
Jenny Summerton

Diversity and distribution of endophytic fungi isolated from four seagrass species from Thailand (#260)

7:15 PM
Preuttiporn Supaphon

Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA among medical students  and co-relation with antibiotic usage, snoring  and nasal piercing,India (#261)

7:15 PM
Aishwarya Taneja

Increased resistance to fluoroquinolones by enhanced expression of efflux pumps in laboratory-grown mutants and clinical Shigella dysenteriae and Shigella flexneri isolates from India  (#262)

7:15 PM
Neelam Taneja

Antimicrobial resistance in cystic fibrosis isolates of Haemophilus influenzae (#263)

7:15 PM
Steve Tristram

Mis-identification of H. haemolyticus as H. influenzae in diagnostic specimens (#264)

7:15 PM
Steve Tristram

A molecular view on multidrug resistance (#265)

7:15 PM
Rietie Venter

Do bacteria survive modern methods used to decontaminate clinical endoscopes? (#266)

7:15 PM
Karen Vickery

Interactions of uroseptic Escherichia coli with renal (A-498) and gastrointestinal (HT-29) cell lines (#267)

7:15 PM
Tara L Vollmerhausen

Multidrug resistance in phylogenetic group D fluoroquinolone-resistant extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli in Australian dogs. (#268)

7:15 PM
David L Wakeham

Comparison of molecular-based toxigenic C. difficile detection methods (#269)

7:15 PM
Brooke Webb

Evaluation of a Multiplex PCR for the detection of bacterial and parasitic pathogens in clinical stool samples compared with conventional methods (#270)

7:15 PM
Phillip Webster

UriSed 2 - an EvaluationComparing UriSed 2 automated urine analyser against an automated flow cytometry analysis and manual microscopy (#271)

7:15 PM
Catherine Wright

Pregnancy outcomes in mice with induced experimental periodontitis and the migration of Fusobacterium nucleatum from the mouth to the placenta (#272)

7:15 PM
Peter Zilm

Isolation of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus from four pepper Cultivar in Riyadh K.S.A Using RAPD-PCR Technique. (#273)

7:15 PM
Jehan AL ABRAHAIM J.S. Al abrahaim

Human Respiratory Viruses in Saudi Arabia: Epidemiological, Molecular and Phylogenetic Analysis (#274)

7:15 PM
Fahad N Almajhdi

The Influence of Suboptimal Swab Sample Collection and Transport for Community-Based Studies of Respiratory Viruses (#275)

7:15 PM
Asma N. Alsaleh

Characterisation of Respiratory Syncytial VirusTM F Protein Mediated Fusion (#276)

7:15 PM
Imogen Bermingham

Characterisation of Equine Adenovirus 1 (#277)

7:15 PM
Carla Giles

Hepatitis C Virus genotyping testing in Western Australia using nucleic acid sequencing and a commercial line probe assay (#278)

7:15 PM
Ian D Kay

Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNABs) against HIV and designer antigens (#279)

7:15 PM
TuckWeng Kok

Enterovirus Infection induces Signal Transduction Factors in Human Progenitor Cells and INS-1 Cells (#280)

7:15 PM
Sandhya Nair

High seroprevalence of human herpesvirus type 8 in patients with end-stage renal disease in Taiwan (#281)

7:15 PM
Cheng-Chuan Su

Enterovirus Meningitis in South Australia (#282)

7:15 PM
Mark Turra

Development of a dry-surface biofilm model (#283)

7:15 PM
Ahmad Abdulaziz Almatroudi

Extracellular prokaryotic vesicles as drug delivery systems for bioactive compounds? (#284)

7:15 PM
Rouba Ballouk

Development of a two phase aqueous/organic system for enhancing the activity of ethene monooxygenase (#285)

7:15 PM
Samantha Cheung

Identification of a factor that negatively regulate the haloacid operon of Burkholderia caribensis MBA4 (#286)

7:15 PM
Liyu Deng

Actinophages isolated for foaming Mycolata show high levels of nucleotide sequence homology (#287)

7:15 PM
Zoe A Dyson

Dynamics of Vibrio and Pseudomonas populations in the hind gut of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) (#288)

7:15 PM
Eva Hatje

Effect of sequence alignment on the molecular identification of cyanobacteria: a case study of the highly polymorphic phycocyanin operon (#289)

7:15 PM
Elvina Lee

Evaluation of Strep B Carrot Broth improving GBS isolation from antenatal screening swabs (#290)

7:15 PM
Toni Lee-Archer

Modelling MS2 & E.coli inactivation rates: Investigation of UVB irradiance & the effect of temperature on dark inactivation (#291)

7:15 PM
Yu Lian

A Rapid High-Throughput System for Fungal DNA Detection (#292)

7:15 PM
Tom Lin

The catalase peroxidase of hydrocarbon-degrading Mycbacterium sp. NBB4 (#293)

7:15 PM
Mai Anh Ly

Microbial contamination in lettuce irrigated with wastewater: The preliminary study to improve the estimation of health risks from wastewater irrigated salad crops consumption (#294)

7:15 PM

The characterisation of Lactic acid bacteria from the hindgut of Atlantic salmon (#295)

7:15 PM
Christina Neuman

Hierarchical construction of the surfaces of dragonfly wings on the micro- and nano-scale (#296)

7:15 PM
Song Ha Nguyen

Impact of Oil Palm Plantation in Tropical Peat Swamp Soil on Soil Microbiology Activity (#297)

7:15 PM
Yuana Nurulita

Detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 and non-O157 serogroups in ruminants in Malaysia  (#298)

7:15 PM
Asanthi Perera

Determination of thermophilic spore forming bacteria survival in milk by a non-continuous flow-through system (#299)

7:15 PM
Tuflikha Putri

Termite-associated actinomycetes as a source of bioactive secondary metabolites (#300)

7:15 PM
Christian Romero

Activity and mode of action of gallic acid against Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli (#301)

7:15 PM
Amreeta Sarjit

Automobile Windshield Washer Fluid: a Potential Source of Exposure to Legionella (#302)

7:15 PM
Otto Schwake

Necrophytoremediation of aliphatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soil (#303)

7:15 PM
Esmaeil Shahsavari

Development of field-based loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) methods for the detection of enteric pathogens in a developing setting (#304)

7:15 PM
Kevin Soli

FISH probes targeting members of the TM7 candidate phylum and Eikelboom morphotype 0041 filaments falsely target Eikelboom type 1851 filaments and other Chloroflexi (#305)

7:15 PM
Lachlan Speirs

Organic acids reduce Salmonella on chicken meat more effectively than hydrochloric acid due to non-pH related effects (#306)

7:15 PM
Sin Mei Tan

The occurrence and diversity of β-lactamase resistance carrying bacterial genera in recharged groundwater (#307)

7:15 PM
Gupta Vadakattu

High Throughput Screening for Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia on Wheat (#308)

7:15 PM
Sophia Zhao

Screening of Candidate Strains for Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia on Wheat (#309)

7:15 PM
Sophia Zhao

Alkane Biodegradation in Coastal Sea Foam Associated Nocardia (#310)

7:15 PM
Kerry E. Aitken

Investigating the genetic diversity of Campylobacter concisus clinical and oral strains (#311)

7:15 PM
Khaled Allemailem

Clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates possess novel lifestyles as a stress response (#312)

7:15 PM
Minh-Giao-Long Bui

Sensitivity to tryptophan bioavailability defines host specificity for Chlamydia pneumoniae (#313)

7:15 PM
Anu Chacko

LPS unmasking of Shigella flexneri reveals preferential localisation of tagged outer membrane protease IcsP to septa and new poles (#314)

7:15 PM
Matthew Doyle

Manganese starvation and compromised oxidative stress response are mediated by zinc toxicity in Streptococcus pneumoniae (#315)

7:15 PM
Bart A Eijkelkamp

The pathways for stress response by Haemophilus influenzae are tightly linked to its surface properties, cell-cell aggregation and biofilm formation (#316)

7:15 PM
Stephen P. Kidd

Screening of pneumococcal antigens in an intranasal pneumonia co-colonization NMRI mouse model (#317)

7:15 PM
kgomotso K.W Lebogo

Characterisation of a Type I secretion system from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (#318)

7:15 PM
Victoria G Lewis

Identification of Drp1 in Shigella flexneri induced epithelial cell death (#319)

7:15 PM
Mabel Lum

DrsG is a ligand of multiple antimicrobial peptides (#320)

7:15 PM
David J McMillan

Overcoming the discrepancy between TRFLP analysis and pyro sequencing (#321)

7:15 PM
Mohammad Mehbub

A novel multiplex PCR assay for the detection of 18 bacterial, yeast and viral causes of meningitis  (#322)

7:15 PM
John Melki

Next Generation Microbial Phenomics (#323)

7:15 PM
Lisa Moore

Validation of Microtitre plate assay for Haemophilus influenzae spp. Biofilm and Investigation of the Effect of Short and Long -term Freezing on the Biofilm Formation (#324)

7:15 PM
Najla Obaid

 A novel pneumococcal vaccine antigen preferentially expressed during meningitis in mice (#325)

7:15 PM
David Ogunniyi

Fusion Proteins- A novel way to study interaction between components of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump  (#326)

7:15 PM
Thelma Ohene-Agyei

De novo assembly of the genome of a haloacid degrading Burkholderiacaribensis (#327)

7:15 PM
Yanling Pan

Evidence of recombination from environmental sources in the house-keeping genes of Helicobacter pylori (#328)

7:15 PM
Timothy Perkins

Bacterial community in gall bladder tissues from gall bladder cancer patients and gall stone individuals in Eastern India (#329)

7:15 PM
vishmadeb pramanik

Characterisation of FeoB, the iron transporting protein in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (#330)

7:15 PM
Saeed Seyedmohammad

Study of ampC gene in clinical Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and determination of its expression level (#331)

7:15 PM
Chong Seng Shit

The Ongoing Challenges of Typhoid Fever Diagnosis in Endemic Settings (#332)

7:15 PM
Valentine Siba

Genotypic description of a novel Helicobacter sud-cetorum isolated from wild dolphin stranded in Western Australia (#333)

7:15 PM
Alfred Chin Yen Tay

Phenotypic description of a novel Helicobacter sud-cetorum isolated from wild dolphin stranded in Western Australia (#334)

7:15 PM
Fanny Thirriot

The Multispecies H. influenzae/ S. pneumoniae Biofilm as a Stress Response and Means of Successful Colonization (#335)

7:15 PM
Alexandra Tikhomirova

Characterisation of FeoB, the iron transporting protein in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (#336)

7:15 PM
Rietie RV Venter

Detection of antibiotic resistance and virulence factors in clinical Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates from the endemic region of the Northern Territory, Australia (#337)

7:15 PM
Jessica R Webb

Molecular determinants of metal selection: how Streptococcus pneumoniae maintains manganese homeostasis (#338)

7:15 PM
Miranda P Ween

Phylogenetic Diversity of Culturable Actinobacteria Associated with Marine Sponges (Mycale sp. and Styliss sp.) and Ascidians (Styela plicata and Molgula manhattensis) in Six Isolation Media (#339)

7:15 PM
Qi Yang

Play catch: Transposition of the IS1111-attC element of Pseudomonas from chromosomal to plasmid-borne integron attC sites. (#340)

7:15 PM
Mia Zeric

Detection of MRSA on Infection Control Swabs Using an In-house Real-Time Multiplex PCR Screening Assay. (#341)

7:15 PM
Luke Walters