Microbiology in the News—An approach to developing critical thinking  — ASN Events

Microbiology in the News—An approach to developing critical thinking  (#72)

Ronald Atlas 1
  1. University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Daily there are reports in the news media of microbiological significance.  Many of the stories are about infectious diseases and topics of public health relevance such as antibiotic resistance. Some extend to the boundaries of microbial life including bacteria from deep beneath the ice in Antarctica to possible microbial life on Mars. To bring relevance and increase interest in microbiology we developed a course entitled Microbiology in the News which is an online course that helps students to develop critical thinking skills by exploring the science between these reports. News articles are posted at a web stie and students are required to examine the literature to determine the validity of what is being reported. This allows them to appreciate the importance of microbiology and the quality of news reports and the science behind them. After several such critical examinations of the science behind the headlines students are asked to develop a brief news report based upon an article in the microbiological literature. Overall this course aids in the development of science literacy and critical thinking. It also is important for the development of effective communication skills.