RCPAQAP Serology - Case Studies — ASN Events

RCPAQAP Serology - Case Studies (#27)

Deane Byers 1 , S J Badman 1 , A Kesson 2
  1. RCPAQAP Serology, St Leonards, NSW, Australia
  2. Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Department, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, and Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

RCPAQAP Serology provides the most comprehensive quality assurance program for infectious disease laboratories worldwide. Participant result submissions are peer reviewed and laboratories are able to use these reports to make comparisons, discuss procedures and algorithms as well as identify issues.

A review of recent survey reports has identified various areas of potential concern, these ‘case studies’ are presented and the discussions with participants, manufacturers and their resolutions will be outlined.

The case studies have highlighted various potential contributing factors including specimen storage and handling procedures, assay sensitivity, testing strategies and post analytical errors. Generally the resolution of the identified issues was appropriate.

There are a number of potential areas from which erroneous results may originate. Quality

assurance programs are designed as ‘snapshots’ of a laboratory’s performance and if used correctly can help indicate potential problems before they become major issues. It is encouraging that participants who have identified issues using QAP are proactive in addressing them. These issues also highlight the need for continuous education and training in the laboratory.