The prevalence, relatedness and polymorphisms of zonula occluden toxin gene in multiple Campylobacter concisus strains isolated from saliva of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and controls — ASN Events

The prevalence, relatedness and polymorphisms of zonula occluden toxin gene in multiple Campylobacter concisus strains isolated from saliva of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and controls (#158)

Vikneswari Mahendran 1 , Yesing Tan 1 , Stephen M Riordan 2 , Michael C Grimm 1 , Andrew S Day 3 4 , Daniel A Lemberg 5 , Sophie Octavia 1 , Ruiting Lan 1 , Li Zhang 1
  1. University Of New South Wales, UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, NSW, Australia
  2. The Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia
  3. University of Otago, Christchurch, New zealand
  4. Sydney Children's Hospital, Sydney, Australia
  5. Sydney Children's Hospital, Sydney, Australia
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